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23 S Idlewild Street, Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 272-2702

Why Preschool?

Why Preschool?

February 16, 2016 Jed McQuown Comments Off

If you’ve been around Hope House or the field of education for any amount of time, you have heard the familiar explanation of the importance of early childhood education.

“Preschool sets a child on a trajectory of success. Preschool is imperative for preparing children for kindergarten. Preschool attendance relates to future achievement in academic settings.” One cannot deny the validity of these statements, yet is it true that the only incentive to provide a quality preschool education is future academic success?  
Located in and dedicated to Memphis, the Urban Child Institute aims to utilize research in order to affect positive change in our community. They have found that many cyclical problems in our community could be addressed by making systemic changes in the lives of children ages 0 – 3. In sum, early childhood education affects far more than a child’s academic success; providing quality early childhood education positively influences the local economy, reduces crime involvement and improves each child’s quality of life.

This is why we at Hope House believe so strongly in our early childhood programs. Hope House is accredited by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young C. Hope House serves children from six weeks to five years of hildren), received 3 stars in all seven categories of the State evaluation with the goal to prepare them for kindergarten and to equip them with skills for success throughout their lives.